Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Evening - Corralitos Town Meeting - some thoughts

Town Meeting:

Well...I thought we would hear better news today at the Corralitos town meeting about when we would be able to return home. It's looking like 24 - 48 hours before they'll let us move back up Eureka Canyon. Most of the fires are out but because of the narrow roads having more vehicles in the area would make it harder for the firefighters to move around.

Our hope is to return to work on Tuesday and get Koinonia cleaned up and ready for counselor training which starts on Friday night. In talking with the Sheriff today they thought the roads should be open and we could be back in operation this weekend.

The community gave the firefighters and other agencies that provided support during the fire a standing ovation at the end of today's meeting. It seems that all too often communities are frustrated by what didn't happen rather than applauding what did happen because of the men and women doing their best to protect us. We look forward to being a light to our neighbors in their efforts to rebuild their lives and homes. We will at some point in the near future let you know how you can be a part of that.


Kim and I had the privilege to share at all three services at our church this weekend. We shared about how supported we felt knowing that so many people were in constant prayer about the fire that threaten both Koinonia and our neighborhood. We have received emails from people that have been praying for us from as far away as South Africa, Australia, Christian camps locally and all over the US, and many of our friends from the Bay Area and Santa Cruz. I want you to know how we have felt prayed for, THANK YOU for praying for us!

We know that God gives us what we need in these situations because we have been prayed over. At one point during the fire with camera in hand, as hard as it was, I took what I honestly thought would be the last pictures of our home and Koinonia. I remember praying to God, thanking Him for the time we've had here and telling Him it was ok if we lost it all, I was confident that He know what was best.

Amy shared with our staff Saturday night at dinner, that one of the teachers at the school she teaches at prayed that God would send Angels to surround Koinonia, with their backs to the facility, and blow wind that would keep the fire from us. I believe (if you look at the fire map) that He answered that prayer! Today I talked with another couple from our church that lives above Koinonia whose house was spared in the same way, everything around there house burned but not the house. We are truly thankful for you and your prayers on our behalf!

Some of the pastors from our church, acting as chaplains, had the opportunity to ride in the vans that took residents back to their homes for the first time since they left after the fire broke out. One pastor commented on the difference in the van he was riding in between a couple who are believers and another couple who weren't. It was interesting to him to observe how one could be so calm and accepting of what had happened to their home and the other couple who struggled with the outcome of their situation.

I've thought alot the last few days about being prepared. Not only about being prepared for disasters like fire, flood and earthquakes which Koinonia has experienced in my lifetime, but being prepared for our future in eternity. We'll continue to press on as He gives

Thank you for your support of Koinonia in so many ways, I appreciate it!

- Dave

1 comment:

Genealogy Joanie said...

Hi Dave and Kim (and others on staff),

We have been watching (on the news and online)and praying for your protection and God's sustaining strength for all of you. Sandy (Kientzler), our daughter, told me yesterday that when she heard about the fire she KNEW that the fire would burn all around Koinonia but not touch it. I had a similar thought; Koinonia has been offered up to God since the beginning. It's His camp and if He wants it to remain unscathed He'll protect it. Praise God for His blessings. We will continue to pray for His guidance in your witness to the community and that you will have a great and safe summer.

Love in Christ,

Joanie Olsson